A Blog Reporting on Reports, Conjecture,and Opinions on International Affairs

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Middle East Peace goes Through Ramallah

As the Israeli elections come to an end and the victorious parties try to make a coalition government, whatever government forms, whether it is a national unity goverment under centrist Tzipi Livni or a right-wing government under Benjamin Netanyahu, they are going to have to find a way to deal with the Palestinian issue. There is gridlock going on and it could last years unless a pragmatic leadership in Gaza and in Jerusalem comes to play. Unless Israel wants to further weaken Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' hand in the West Bank, the Israeli government must give him concessions.

Abbas is slowly becoming marginalized by being a accused of collaborating with the Israelis especially during the Gaza war. If concessions are not made and the status quo remains, the radical Hamas Movement may be able to extend its influence from Gaza to the West Bank. The Israelis need to understand that Abbas', Fatah, rule in the West Bank has kept peace in that part of the region and should make the West Bank and example of what peace could look like under its moderate leadership. To do this Israel must give up its settlements in the West Bank and make all of its land contiguous and open trade. When prosperity come to the West Bank, the Palestinians in Gaza may demand the same thing and demand a better government, which could lead to a victory of the moderates.

If this scenario does not come in to play the status quo may continue and lead to a victory Hamas. Many Israelis understand that demographically they cannot keep all of the settlements. Relinquishing in the future may play in the hands of Hamas and the forces of extremism.


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