A Blog Reporting on Reports, Conjecture,and Opinions on International Affairs

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do Oil Companies Need More Drilling Rights in Gulf?

Congressional Democrats are asking why oil companies want more drilling rights in the Gulf of Mexico and in other areas when they already have access to large untapped portions of the Gulf.
It is mentioned that The difference between these areas and the government protected areas is that the latter is in shallower waters, making it cheaper to drill. Regardless where to drill. Its not an easy operation. It takes years to explore for oil, the drilling, and making a pipeline also takes a lot of time. Equipment and skilled labor are also needed and there is already a shortage in supply. All of these things make it expensive and there is a possibility that there isn't a lot of oil.

The oil firms could be waiting to see if John McCain wins the presidential election since supports lifting the ban on drilling in the protected portions of the Gulf. CNN In the end, finding new places to drill is a timely affair and amount of oil still located in the gulf is pratically all speculation.


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