A Blog Reporting on Reports, Conjecture,and Opinions on International Affairs

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Israeli Prime Minster did not like Bush's Plan for Iraq

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon warned Bush not to occupy Iraq. He noted that Iraq was a threat and most likely had nuclear weapons but "In terms of culture and tradition, the Arab world is not built for democratization," according to Danny Ayalon the former Israeli Ambassador to the US. He advised the President not to go in without an exit strategy,a counterinsurgency strategy,and keep in mind that Iraq might have to be partitioned. -Daily Star

Friday, January 19, 2007

Disturbing: Embedded Journalists findings in Mosques in the UK

Check out the blog: A Deeper Look it has a few clips from You Tube of journalists taping extremist speeches at " mainstream" British mosques and organizations. Some of the clips were taken off You Tube, probably because it upset some sensitivies of a hopefully a very minuscule segment of Western Society.

Iran Offered to Cut Off Hezbollah in Overture to US in 2003: BBC

According to the BBC, Iran sent the US a letter after the invasion of Iraq to cut off its support of Hezbollah and Hamas, as well as show transparency with its nuclear program. Iran asked in return for an end of its hostile behavior towards them, the cessation of sanctions, and the repatriation and prosecution of a terrorist Iranian opposition group based in Iraq called Mujahedeen Khalq (People's Mujahideen).

The State Department responded favorably to the letter, which was unsigned but believed to have the support of the highest authorities in Iran. When the letter was sent to the VP Dick Cheney's office; the letter was sent out and rejected According to Lawrence Wilkerson, who was chief of staff to Colin Powell.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Venezuela: the Reeking of Communism

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced his plans to nationalize the telecom and electricity industries. The main telecom giant, Compania Nacional de Telefonos de Venezuala, is controlled by Verizon. He also announced his plan to throw out the country's commercial code and strip the central bank of its autonomy. These are all steps in Chavez's "21st Century Socialism." He has been campaigning all over South America in order to sell Venezuela as a new role model for the poor countries of Latin America, and limit the American 'imperialism' in the Southern Hemisphere (Wall Street Journal).

Polically, Chavez is consolidating his hold over the political sphere of Venezuela. He is merging his leftist alliance of political parties into a single poltical party called the United Venezuelan Socialist Party. With all major governmental institutions dominated by his supporters, it could mean the establishment of a one party state.

He is also trying to strengthen his grip over the independent media, by planning to revoke the license of RCTV. RCTV has been known to voice its opposition to Hugo Chavezs policies. In his inaugural address he called upon the National Assembly to grant him the power to rule by decree and to abolish term limits on the presidency. This soon to be dictatorship that reeks of communism.