'Hamastan' Being Formed in Gaza
The militant Islamic group Hamas has taken control of 80% of the Gaza Strip this week. Hamas whose political wing won the Palestinian elections last year by defeating the secular, but corrupt, Fatah Movement, which previously had a monopoly over the government. Most of the world boycotted the Hamas led regime because it refused to abide by the Oslo accords and recognize Israel. Since the elections the US and allies have tried hard to curtail its power up to a point to encourage civil war between Fatah and Hamas. In fact both US and Israel were giving weapons to Fatah in order to weaken Hamas. In Gaza for the past several months there had been low instensity war going between them. This week Hamas is appearing victorious by seizing control most of the Strip. -Debka
US and Israeli policy in the Palestinian Territories have been a complete disaster. Firstly the US encouraged Palestinian democracy as the way to deter terrorism but failed to recognize that Fatah has been marred by corruption and ineptitude for over a decade. Hamas deserved a chance to be forced to moderate by the electorate if it wanted to win the next elections. The US and Israel did not give it a chance and increased its radicalization and is now radicalizing the previously pro-Fatah groups who are joining Hamas. By encouraging Fatah and this war it is not only destroying democracy, but facilitating the creation of an Iranian backed "Hamastan".
Finally, the US has top be careful, who it supports. Last year the US supported corrupt gangster warlords in Somalia and saw them fall to the Islamic Courts. Muslims in war torn countries want peace and security and an end to corruption. The Taliban rose to power b/c it provided all of that. The same with the Islamic Courts in Somalia. Gaza which has become a hellhole of the previous few years want the same thing. They elected Hamas to end the corruption of Fatah by holding them accountable during the election. At this point the people will want Hamas to also provide peace and security as well. Fatah will just become history in the sad story of Gaza.