A Blog Reporting on Reports, Conjecture,and Opinions on International Affairs

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Iran Executes Two for Being Enemies of God

Iran executed two people for being "Enemies of God" and for belonging to illegal organizations, the Kingdom's Assembly and the the Peoples' Mujahideen. The were also charged with trying to topple the Islamic Republic and of taking a part in the post-election protests despite being arrested before the presidential election. According to his lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh confessed only after the Iranian authorities have threatened his family. It is believed the executions took place to warn potential protesters what could await them if they protest on the Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in February.- al Jazeera

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Supreme Court Rules that Corporations are allowed to have a big role in American elections.

In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are protected under the First Amendment to give money to support or oppose candidates running for office. Essentially they can intimidate elected officials if they try to legislate a law that is not to their liking. Its legalized corruption. Ordinary voters will have less if any, say in how the affairs of this country is managed. Read the editorial from the New York Times .